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September 1928, Vandalia newspaper (microfilm, read by David Knecht)
Old Wilberton Couple Have Lived Together Fifty-seven Years.
Uncle Mike Oertwig was born in Koenig (sic), Germany, March 4, 1841. Came to America in 1854; lived in Wisconsin 10 years, then came to Illinois. Married Fredrica Elhorn in 1870. To this union five children were born. All are dead but one, a son, Fred, who lives near the old home of his father and mother to help them in their declining years.
Uncle Mike, as he is so well-known, has been a farmer since known by the writer. He is well acquainted with the farmers' needs and hardships as well. He settled in Wilberton township on the county line between Fayette and Marion where he still lives. Few houses were to be seen on the now beautiful St. Paul prairie. Now there's a house on main roads every half mile. At that day wheat was the chief product, but a change has come. Dairying is the chief industry today.
Uncle Mike and wife have lived together 57 years. Except his hearing, which is bad, he seems well preserved. The writer visited this couple and Herman Krenegel (sic), a near neighbor, was there. All in all a very pleasant visit. Mrs. Oertwig is about 7 years his junior. -- Contributed.
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