This page contains several links which will take you to a different site. Please use your browser's BACK feature to return to this page.Government land records. If your ancestor purchased land from the government (in certain states), you can get the records on-line at this site. You can search by surname or by location. Glancing quickly through the surnames of Dodge County, Wisconsin, Towns Theresa and Herman, I found Michael Sasse, Frederick and Michael Fellwock, Jago (see also Tago), Johann and Johanna Steinbach, John F. Urtwig, and many others of course that I didn't recognize. If you search by location, you can get a list of names of all the purchasers in one township. Select Wisconsin, then Dodge County, then type in the township and range numbers. Town of Theresa (township, not village) is T12N R17E. Williams is T12N R16E; and Herman is T11N R17E. When you get the record, you can download it with Adobe Acrobat Reader, a free program.
Family Search, a site by the LDS church. They have microfilmed the church records of Nahausen and most other villages if the records were not destroyed in the wars. You can search on-line for listings of other records that they have.
Their listings for Nahausen, Grabow & Reichenfelde are microfilm numbers:
# 887243, # 887247, # 903322 and # 903323Birth, Marriage and Death records extracted from these films are
included in Vital RecordsNational Archives has many records available.
Illinois Marriages, 1863 - 1900. See Vital Records for some extractions.
Rootsweb has databases and lots of help for researchers -- all free. Their Social Security Death Index is the most up-to-date listing that I've found. - another good source of data. Some of their sources are free, others are available only to subscribers.
Surnames from Nahausen baptism and marriage records of 1669-1837, compiled by Sigfried Rambaum. The top 20 are listed in order of frequency. There's also an alphabetical list showing first year and last year of the appearance of that surname in the records.
List of sites in the Pommern Genealogy Webring The Pommern-Brandenburg border was only a few miles north of Nahausen. Many of us have roots in Pommern.
USGenWeb has sites for each county. These will be helpful for your searches:
Dodge County, WI
Fayette County, IL
Vanderburgh County, IN
Buffalo County, NEOther sites of interest:
Our Family, Mona Houser's family site, includes Sasse, Fellwock and Oertwig families.
Website of Chojna, Poland, formerly Koenigsberg, Brandenburg, Germany.September 2005
- Pictures of historic Chojna
- Photos of modern Chojna
- Photos of the restoration of Marienkirche in Chojna. This church stood roofless for about 50 years after WWII. It appears that the exterior work has been completed.
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